RSL Clubs in their various forms (USMC, Diggers, Legion, ANZAC, Soldiers, Memorial, SS&A,
etc) share a common history, a common purpose and a common place in the hearts and minds of Australians. RSL Clubs were created in communities across Australia to provide a venue for current and ex-service personnel and their families to enjoy a safe and comfortable place to gather.
Patrons and guests can each relax in the casual surroundings and share a meal and a drink or two. RSL Clubs serve as a place of remembrance for the contribution and sacrifice of all Australia Defence personnel.
RSL Clubs opened their doors and their social memberships to the broader Australian community to enable them to share in these benefits and contribute towards the goal of better facilities and services for veterans.
Through this expanded patronage, RSL and Services Clubs have been able to significantly improve and expand their facilities. Club services over the years have been immensely improved for the benefit of the whole community. These clubs continue to focus primarily on the welfare and support of veterans of Australian and Allied Service personnel and their families. Service Clubs have continued the exceptional achievements of commem-orating the efforts of all who have served our nation in uniform. The USMC & Services Clubs Association was established to assist all such clubs, to manage this unique position within the broader Club Movement.

The continuation of RSL Clubs ensures that the perspectives and values of ex-service members and the greater Australian community are considered and heard by Government and our colleagues in the Veterans community. This is a crucial and valued part of the total Club Movement. We are committed to being a strong and united voice for clubs through our peak body, Clubs NSW. We do have particular needs and requirements that warrant close co-operation and regular consultation with club industry leaders. This ensures the best outcome for all clubs and members.
In the minds of the general community, both sets of structures are completely interwoven and share a common set of values and objectives. This is as it should be.